There are several purchasing options when purchasing a new vehicle. You can pay cash, borrow money from the bank with an installment loan or lease the vehicle. Toyota has the most consumer friendly lease to own program out there compared to any other manufacturer. Honestly cars depreciate, and your either taking your valuable cash asset, and buying a car which is guaranteed to go down in value significantly in a few years. Or you’re borrowing money from the bank. Borrowing money from the bank now buys the car for you but charges you interest to use their money to do so. So now you will end up promising to pay the bank back a lot more for the vehicle which is quickly losing value.
There is nothing great about owning a car anymore. Vehicles are rapidly evolving with Technology and Safety. Owning one, increases your monetary risk, and exposes you to more expense down the road. One fact about all vehicles is that they will go down in value and they need regular maintenance to keep them running.
What if there was a smarter way to spend your money? Well, there is, is called “Leasing”. Leasing a vehicle from Toyota offers a lot more upsides than down. When you lease the vehicle, your not obligating yourself to the entire cost of the vehicle. You are paying for the vehicle during its best years while its completely covered under the factory warranty. With every new Toyota you even have your first 2 years of maintenance completely complimentary.
Call me Shayne Fowler at Right Toyota to set up a consultation to go over all of your purchasing options on your next vehicle.